AquaModel Features
- Coast line data from many sources including
- World Data Bank (WDB-II)
- World Vector Shoreline (WVS)
- ArcShape files
- Detailed bathymetry
- Satellite imagery (over 50 formats including OpenDAP)
- Navigation charts
- Multimedia
- User defined GIS shapes
- Profile plots (single or multi-trace, histograms, pie-charts, false color charts)
- Blob (bubble) plots
- Contours
- Current vectors
- Tidal ellipses
- Metadata
- Instant web deployment
- Google Maps
- Google Earth
Modeling Capabilities
- Ocean currents
- Constant or dynamically changing ambient conditions data
- Modeled dissolved materials:
- oxygen
- nitrogen
- phytoplankton
- zooplankton
- Modeled fish farm waste materials:
- Modeled benthic materials:
- Suspended layer:
- feed waste
- fecal waste
- oxygen
- total carbon
- Sediment layer:
- feed waste
- fecal waste
- oxygen, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide
- aerobic and anaerobic biomass
- Multi-farm capability
- Multi-species capability
- Default characteristics of several commercially important species included
- Animated plan and profile displays
- Dissolved, suspended, and sediment materials
- Surface and bottom flow velocities
- Fecal and feed waste streams
- Fish pen and waste stream properties
Analysis tools
- Statistical analysis of imagery
- 3-D perspective charts
- Query measurement, bathymetry, and imagery
- Computed water volume within a user specified region (e.g. bays)
- Built in Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Levenberg-Marquardt multi-dimensional surface search routine
- Kernel method 3-dimensional density function calculation
- USGS 3-D earth magnetic model (intensity, declination, and magnitude)
- 3-D current drift model
- Fast Fourier transforms
- A variety of standard statistical functions
- User defined simulation times (start, end, direction, and step)
- Simulation capture and replay capability
- Animate satellite images and ArcShape files
- Animate blob plots, false color images, and profile plots of measurement data
- Play/step forward or backward or skip to specified simulation times (where compatible with simulation model)
Import Tools
- Database wizard imports ASCII, Excel, or database measurement data
- ASCII wizard imports ASCII geographic measurement data to false color raster images
- Batch importing of satellite imagery and aerial photographs
Export and Conversion Tools
- Export modeled properties to Excel for offline analysis
- Convert animated project data (graphic plan view and profile plots) to GoogleMaps or GoogleEarth
- Export animated displays to NetCDF image format files
- Export graphic displays to BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF files
- Subset and convert imagery files to Excel or to NetCDF images
- Convert ArcShape data to Excel
- Integrated with "R" for interactive or off-line analysis of image or profile plot data