AquaModel contains flow models and site data to be modeled.



EASy is the GIS program that simulates the sites, integrating high quality imagery and analytical tools.


Southern California Bight Test Site

A month long study of this region was conducted with a starting biomass of approximately 21,000 metric tons of fish in 8 farms positioned from north to south in the San Diego Countercurrent area of the Southern California Bight. Patterns of nitrogen, phytoplankton and zooplankton production were studied and compared to the current velocity and direction of flow in this area that is noted for a large number of offshore mesoscale (>10 km diameter) eddies (i.e., circular gyres).

Click on images to run demos.

Environmental Impact of a Single Farm Near San Diego

Mariculture UNH
Google Maps View
Mariculture UNH
AquaModel NetViewer View

University of New Hampshire Open Ocean Aquaculture Test Site

This site is located in 52 meters of water, approximately 10 km from the NewHampshire coast and has been permitted as a reasearch site for several years. Since July 2003

At the this site, both the near and far-field simulations were run with both 12 and 24 cages per farm. Detailed data files of local conditions were entered from the extensive available datasets, and the model was set to simulate the growth of Atlantic salmon stocked at 200 grams with a stocking density of 0.6 kg/m3 commencing in April of the test year.  Each cage had 112,500 fish with a total in the farm equal to 1,350,000 (estimated at 6,750 metric tons).  The model was set to run for 14 months.

Click on images to run demos.

Broad view of bathymetry, currents and other oceanographic data in the area of the site

Bathymetry UNH
Google Maps View
Bathymetry UNH
AquaModel NetViewer View


Environmental Impact of a Single Farm

Mariculture UNH
Google Maps View
Mariculture UNH
AquaModel NetViewer View


Environmental Impact of a Multiple Farms Along thr New Hampshire Coast

Mariculture UNH
Google Maps View
Mariculture UNH
AquaModel NetViewer View